Thanks to Mr. Habeeb Khan - Last few days i have been working with KSPD(Kerala State police department) for my project .I should thank to my brother for helping me to get over there : he Introduced me to SP Jayakumar . who is the Cheif over there. things got moved swiftly. Got an Insight view about how things are beign done . I Also found that Crime Bureau in India have a Special wing which perform the near similar tasks of my project but of-course offline and manual . well its a good bussiness idea 3:) Update Today my web-crawler have been built and its being tested to incorporate LDA algorithm for topic detection which i belive will give me relavent pages of interest My deadl line is 19th of this month : And IM running Really short in time : datacollection part is really getting tough as , the department will most probably hand over me with hard copy of data